About Us

YouFirst Educational Center For Languages And Development.

Palestine - Gaza

Who we are?
We are a group of youths seeks to establish a new learning system to service the community in the field of education and training in every fields that can develop the society according to its requirements.

We are in the beginning of our project, we haven’t started our project yet, because we don’t have the enough budget to start, so we are seeking to have that budget to start our new educational system project.

Our aims
We aims to achieve the global leadership in training and development in every fields that can help the whole society specially the students of all ages.

Providing quality and exclusive training services in accordance with the highest standards of quality and keeping pace with what is new in the world of training, gaining the confidence of individuals and public and private institutions and working to develop their performance in all fields.

Our vision
We draw a new future of educational system in Palestine – Gaza, the system that service the society in all fields.

YouFirst Educational Center For Languages and Development is the future of Palestinian Education.